BSW WITNESS PREP training can be taught to anyone of any age, and background.
We have developed the WITNESS PREP techniques from two perspectives:

  1. the level of performance anxiety of the witness;
  2. and the length of the court procedure the witness must participate in.

Our fees for training a witness are determined by how much time it takes for the witness to learn the appropriate BSW techniques and demonstrate the ability to self-administer the techniques effectively.

The fee structure is based on the level of court the witness must appear in.

In the USA Court System, there are state and federal court systems. Each system is divided into several layers.  CLICK TO VIEW

*Courts of Special Jurisdiction – Federal system has bankruptcy and tax courts

State system has probate, family court (divorce & custody)

*Trial Courts – criminal and civil

*Appellate Courts – appeal due to a mistake or challenging a law

* Supreme Court – The highest court in any jurisdiction. Federal Supreme Court & State Supreme Court

The “per session” amount is based on the level of court the witness is preparing for. The level of court that the witness is participating in indicates what is at risk if the witness is unable to cope. That is “sufficient information” for knowing which BSW witness preparation techniques and combinations of BSW techniques to teach the witness.



The BSW Witness Preparation Program has a strict Non-disclosure Policy that will be rigorously upheld. No Disclosure is required. No diagnosis is required. No declaration explaining why the client needs the BSW Techniques is needed. Pseudonyms are accepted if the fee is prepaid in advance of any and all appointments. The appointment fee will be accepted from a third-party source and /or service with the stipulation that no refund is available under any circumstance. Use of credible cash cards that do not need to disclose the user will be dependent on internet capacity. The appointments are available on a secure on-line service 24/7. The basic BSW techniques are taught to be self-administered as needed; as often as is needed.

The policy states that the successful outcome and beneficial results of using the BSW Intervention does NOT require reflective and recalled information about the source or cause of any form of stress. We do not want, nor need to have a client revisit any painful event for therapeutic reasons; as doing so leaves another imprint of pain on the brain, known as “the memory of the memory” for the client to contend with. The sole purpose of the BSW Intervention is to reduce any and all forms of reacting to the client’s conscious, sub-conscious, and unconscious memories of painful events and or interactions with others.