Witnesses in property disputes are often quite emotional because of the possible losses that will be suffered on top of the initial losses that lead to the court case. The BSW Witness Prep addresses the grief, the sorrow, and the feelings of failure experienced by both sides of the argument. The consistent benefit is that the witness does not personalize the losses as indicative of the loss of self-worth. This is very beneficial to the witness during the cross examination. Divorce proceedings are one of the most volatile courts; which can become a permanent reactive state that can be misused by either side of the argument. Having offspring and or pets involved in the settlement too often can lead to potential suicide or homicide. The 5-day intense BSW Witness Prep is effective for the earliest stages of the legal process. The 22-week program will eliminate the negative rage that can become an impairment during cross examination. The 104-week program is ideal for surviving a long, drawn-out process before the compensation portion is ratified or solidified. As the witness learns how to use the BSW Techniques undetected, the vulnerability felt by the witness recedes and is replaced with calm certainty and determination.